Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Before I begin today I want to hold up Nile Watkins-Schoenig who was deployed to Iraq yesterday. Nile is the brother of our Youth Advisory Delegate Kelly. Nile was deployed with a different unit than the one that he is attached to and as soon as he returns he will be deployed with his unit for another tour. Please pray that God keep Nile safe and return him to his family when his tours are over safe and sound. Amen.
Moderator Gray opened the day with a story before going to the opening prayer. Opening prayer was led by Sonila Dedja Ecumenical Advisory Delegate, Orthodox Autocephalous Church in Albania. We then welcomed the 176th Moderator of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Church who gave us the morning welcome.
Committee Moderator Vince Thomas for the Assembly Committee on General Assembly Procedures (03) (Financial Implications) provided us the second daily update. Vince told us that yesterday was a good day in regards to the financial implications, but we still need to get through today and tomorrow.
Elder David Norton, Moderator for the Assembly Committee on Mission Coordination (08) (Financial Implications) advised that there were no financial implications for 2006 however there is about $30,000 for 2007 and for 2008 is $20,000 of which most still needs to be approved. Item 08-15 was the first item of business for the GA this morning. This item would confirm the election of Elder Linda Bryant Valentine as Executive Director of GAC. Nancy, GANC, introduced Elder Linda Bryant Valentine. Linda spoke briefly to us about her vision. Item 08-15 was moved and it passed overwhelmingly by electronic vote. Linda was then installed as the Executive Director of the General Assembly Committee by Moderator Gray. Nancy then invited the GA to come and greet Linda and thank John Detterick (Concert Hall Lobby) immediately following evening plenary. A motion was made from the floor: “The 217th GA (2006) expresses gratitude for the faithful and dedicated service of Elder John Detterick as President of the Board of Pensions (1993-1998) and Executive Director of the General Assembly Council (1998-2006) and prays God’s blessings upon him as he retires. The motion passed by hand vote and a round of applause. John then spoke to us offing his gratitude for PC (USA). Then next item was 08-08 (all recommendations) and it passed by hand vote. 08-09 was moved to be approved as amended and it passed by consensus. 08-14 was next. It was moved and carried by consensus. The last item for this portion of their report was 08-16 and it was moved and accepted by consensus.
The report from the General Assembly Nominating Committee was next. Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick provided us with the ground rules. Unchallenged positions will be voted on first. Melva Wilson Costen, Moderator of the GAC committee listed all of the positions that had challenges. We then voted on the uncontested nominations and they were all elected by a single hand vote. We then moved to those that were challenged.
Advisory Committee on the Constitution:
Paul K. Hooker (GANC) vs. P. David Snellgrove (commissioner): Paul K. Hooker
Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy:
Lewis S. Mudge (GANC) vs. Lawrence D. Spencer (commissioner): Lewis S. Mudge
William Saint (GANC) vs. Gary John Green (commissioner): William Saint
Gloria Albrecht (GANC) vs. Allan F.H. Wisdom (commissioner): Gloria Albrecht
Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns:
Sarah Colwill (GANC) vs. Fairlight Collins-Jones (commissioner): Sarah Colwill
Lillian Oats (GANC) vs. Aisha Brooks-Lytle (commissioner): Aisha Brooks-Lytle
Aleida Jernigan (GANC) vs. Maria G. Gardenas-Baez (commissioner): Maria G. Gardenas-Baez
Permanent Judicial Commission:
Mary Eleanor Johns (GANC) vs. Catherine Purvis (commissioner): Mary Eleanor Johns
Ronald Bullis (GANC) vs. William Andrew Stewart, Jr. (commissioner): Ronald Bullis
Moderator Gray gave the floor to Rick Ufford-Chase to handle 00-03 Moderator of the 216th General Assembly (2004) Nominations for Members of the General Assembly Nominating Committee. Only one of the nominees has a challenger:
Frank S. Deming Jr. (GANC) vs. John F. Sloop (commissioner): Frank S. Deming Jr.
There was a motion to move Speak out to before the lunch break in order to have the report from Report of the Assembly Committee on Ecclesiology (06) go uninterrupted. This motion passed by consensus. There was also a motion to stop for prayer prior to a vote after any emotional debate which was accepted. Moderator Gray then advised that we would be starting with prayer after the lunch break and that everyone needs to be back and in their seats prior to that time as the doors will be closed. Speak out proceeded at that point.
After announcements we closed in prayer. We then went into recess for the lunch break.
Moderator Gray led us through a wonderful, peaceful, meditation after which we were opened in prayer.
Rev. Blair Monie, Moderator of the Assembly Committee on Ecclesiology (06) introduced the co-chairs (Gary W. Demarest & Jean S. Stoner) of the Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church. They talked briefly about the work of the task force and the input from the many resources that they used. When the finished they turned the floor back over to the Vice-Moderator of the Assembly Committee on Ecclesiology, Catherine Kotfila, who talked to us about the process that they went through that they had gone through. She then made a motion to accept the PUP report, items 1 – 4, as amended. By electronic vote the motion passed. It was moved that Item 06-01 Recommendations 5 as amended and 6 - 7 with comment be passed as the committee presented it. There was also a minority report which was introduced to us. The committee then spoke on the need to adopt this item as it was amended and commented on. The minority report was then presented and the maker spoke as to why we need to make the minority report the main report. We then moved to perfecting the main motion. A motion was made to strike the word authoritative from Recommendation #5. A comment from the floor from a member of the ACC said that striking the word authoritative would have no impact. We then moved to vote on the amendment and it failed. We are now back to the main motion. A question was asked of the as to what the implications would be if Recommendation # 5 were to be removed from the report. The task force stated that it would be ill-advised as they feel that the recommendation clarifies what is in the Book of Order. They reiterated that the standards would not change. The task force is supportive of the amendment to Recommendation 5.d that the committee made. Another amendment has been offered in regards to 5.d. This would insert after the first appearance of the word “examination” the words “and ordination decision”; change the word “complies” to “comply.” Rev. Monie spoke to this amendment stating that he did not feel that this amendment would not substantially change what was originally there. There was a clarification to have it read “and ordination and installation decision.” 5.d would then read:
d. Whether the examination and ordination and installation decision comply with the constitution of the PCUSA, and whether the ordaining/installing body has conducted its examination reasonably, responsibly, prayerfully, and deliberately in deciding to ordain a candidate for church office is subject to review by higher governing bodies.
We then moved to vote on this amendment to the main motion and it passed. The main motion was declared perfected. We then moved to perfect the minority report, which was perfected without change. We now go to debate as to whether the minority report should become the main motion and there was a lot of movement on the floor as commissioners and advisory delegates moved to the microphones. As I could not accurately capture any of the comments for or against I will not have any of the debate comments here, I’ll leave that up to the press covering the GA. I will say that both sides were passionate about theirs beliefs and presented themselves well. Thank you to all who spoke. There was a call to the question to end debate and it passed. We then moved to voting on whether the minority report should become the main motion and that vote failed. We then began debate on the main motion. A motion was made and passed by hand vote to limit a speakers time to 2 minutes. A motion to amend was made:
The General Assembly Refer with comment Recommendations 5 & 6 to the Presbyteries for their consideration and response prior to final action on these recommendations, utilizing the resources and processes suggested in Recommendations 1-4 in the Report of the Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity… and direct the Office of the General Assembly to develop an instrument by which the Presbyteries may advise the General Assembly whether or not the 218th General Assembly should adopt the proposed authoritative interpretation, and to approve Recommendation 7.
We then moved into a time of debate for which again there was much debate as there was on the minority report. After much debate there was a call for the question that was seconded and voted on. The vote narrowly was defeated. We then went back to the main motion as amended which had been perfected and debate on that motion. The question was called and seconded. We then voted on whether or not to end debate and the vote passed. We then moved on to voting on the main motion as amended and the vote narrowly passed. There was a question from the floor on how to register their discontent and the Stated Clerk gave instructions on how to do that. We then moved to disapprove Item 06-05 Item 2 and it was passed by hand vote. We then moved and received 06-07 by consensus. Item 06-11 was moved and received by consensus. It was moved that all remaining items be dismissed by the action already taken on 06-01 and it passed by consensus. This concluded their report.
Moderator Gray then led us in a hymn and then we took a five minute break.
Committee Moderator Rev. Karen Akin presented the Report of the Assembly Committee on Church Orders (04). On Item 04-11 they recommend that the item be disapproved and it passed by hand vote. They moved that Item 04-12 be disapproved and it passed. The next Item, 04-13 was moved to be disapproved by the committee. A motion was made to reconsider Item 04-11 and it was seconded. It was then requested that the committee moderator explain why they made the recommendations that they did. Before that was answered we voted on whether to reconsider 04-11 and the vote passed. The committee moderator then reiterated that they recommended to disapprove 04-11 and that a vote of yes would disapprove Item 04-11. The was some debate prior to the vote. After the vote to end debate passed we voted on the item to disapprove 04-11. The GA voted in agreement disapprove 04-11. We then voted on whether or not to reconsider 04-12 and it was a tie which means it failed. Karen then moved that 04-13 be disapproved and it passed. Item 04-01 was next and they moved that the item be disapproved. There was a motion from the floor to refer 04-01 & All Concurrences to the 218th General Assembly (2008). The previous question was called to end debate. It was voted on and debate ended. The motion to refer was voted on was defeated. We are back to the motion from the committee to disapprove 04-01. After debate the previous question was called and passed by vote. The recommendation was restated and brought to a vote.
Due to it being 5:30 PM we recessed and headed for dinner. The rest of the Report of the Assembly Committee on Church Orders (04) and Report of the Assembly Committee on Mission Coordination (08) we table until tomorrow.
After dinner I headed for the Joint Worship led by PC (USA) in the Concert Hall. It was another wonderful service. Janet Ort and eth Middleton performed a duet of Pie Jesu with dancing by the liturgical dancers On Angels Wings. It was beautiful and moved many to tears. The sermon by Jean Marie Peacock, Vice-Moderator of the 216th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) challenged us to wade in the water and was made even more inspiring with stories of a mission trip to Columbia and the trials of her congregation after hurricane Katrina.
With little sleep lately due to all that has been going on I decided to head back to the room to finish this post and get some rest. The program after I left included Ecumenical Greetings, World Prayer, Presbyterian Church of Colombia 150th, Presbyterian Church of Cuba, Self-Development of People, and Mission Initiative.
Good night and God Bless!
Before I begin today I want to hold up Nile Watkins-Schoenig who was deployed to Iraq yesterday. Nile is the brother of our Youth Advisory Delegate Kelly. Nile was deployed with a different unit than the one that he is attached to and as soon as he returns he will be deployed with his unit for another tour. Please pray that God keep Nile safe and return him to his family when his tours are over safe and sound. Amen.
Moderator Gray opened the day with a story before going to the opening prayer. Opening prayer was led by Sonila Dedja Ecumenical Advisory Delegate, Orthodox Autocephalous Church in Albania. We then welcomed the 176th Moderator of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Church who gave us the morning welcome.
Committee Moderator Vince Thomas for the Assembly Committee on General Assembly Procedures (03) (Financial Implications) provided us the second daily update. Vince told us that yesterday was a good day in regards to the financial implications, but we still need to get through today and tomorrow.
Elder David Norton, Moderator for the Assembly Committee on Mission Coordination (08) (Financial Implications) advised that there were no financial implications for 2006 however there is about $30,000 for 2007 and for 2008 is $20,000 of which most still needs to be approved. Item 08-15 was the first item of business for the GA this morning. This item would confirm the election of Elder Linda Bryant Valentine as Executive Director of GAC. Nancy, GANC, introduced Elder Linda Bryant Valentine. Linda spoke briefly to us about her vision. Item 08-15 was moved and it passed overwhelmingly by electronic vote. Linda was then installed as the Executive Director of the General Assembly Committee by Moderator Gray. Nancy then invited the GA to come and greet Linda and thank John Detterick (Concert Hall Lobby) immediately following evening plenary. A motion was made from the floor: “The 217th GA (2006) expresses gratitude for the faithful and dedicated service of Elder John Detterick as President of the Board of Pensions (1993-1998) and Executive Director of the General Assembly Council (1998-2006) and prays God’s blessings upon him as he retires. The motion passed by hand vote and a round of applause. John then spoke to us offing his gratitude for PC (USA). Then next item was 08-08 (all recommendations) and it passed by hand vote. 08-09 was moved to be approved as amended and it passed by consensus. 08-14 was next. It was moved and carried by consensus. The last item for this portion of their report was 08-16 and it was moved and accepted by consensus.
The report from the General Assembly Nominating Committee was next. Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick provided us with the ground rules. Unchallenged positions will be voted on first. Melva Wilson Costen, Moderator of the GAC committee listed all of the positions that had challenges. We then voted on the uncontested nominations and they were all elected by a single hand vote. We then moved to those that were challenged.
Advisory Committee on the Constitution:
Paul K. Hooker (GANC) vs. P. David Snellgrove (commissioner): Paul K. Hooker
Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy:
Lewis S. Mudge (GANC) vs. Lawrence D. Spencer (commissioner): Lewis S. Mudge
William Saint (GANC) vs. Gary John Green (commissioner): William Saint
Gloria Albrecht (GANC) vs. Allan F.H. Wisdom (commissioner): Gloria Albrecht
Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns:
Sarah Colwill (GANC) vs. Fairlight Collins-Jones (commissioner): Sarah Colwill
Lillian Oats (GANC) vs. Aisha Brooks-Lytle (commissioner): Aisha Brooks-Lytle
Aleida Jernigan (GANC) vs. Maria G. Gardenas-Baez (commissioner): Maria G. Gardenas-Baez
Permanent Judicial Commission:
Mary Eleanor Johns (GANC) vs. Catherine Purvis (commissioner): Mary Eleanor Johns
Ronald Bullis (GANC) vs. William Andrew Stewart, Jr. (commissioner): Ronald Bullis
Moderator Gray gave the floor to Rick Ufford-Chase to handle 00-03 Moderator of the 216th General Assembly (2004) Nominations for Members of the General Assembly Nominating Committee. Only one of the nominees has a challenger:
Frank S. Deming Jr. (GANC) vs. John F. Sloop (commissioner): Frank S. Deming Jr.
There was a motion to move Speak out to before the lunch break in order to have the report from Report of the Assembly Committee on Ecclesiology (06) go uninterrupted. This motion passed by consensus. There was also a motion to stop for prayer prior to a vote after any emotional debate which was accepted. Moderator Gray then advised that we would be starting with prayer after the lunch break and that everyone needs to be back and in their seats prior to that time as the doors will be closed. Speak out proceeded at that point.
After announcements we closed in prayer. We then went into recess for the lunch break.
Moderator Gray led us through a wonderful, peaceful, meditation after which we were opened in prayer.
Rev. Blair Monie, Moderator of the Assembly Committee on Ecclesiology (06) introduced the co-chairs (Gary W. Demarest & Jean S. Stoner) of the Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church. They talked briefly about the work of the task force and the input from the many resources that they used. When the finished they turned the floor back over to the Vice-Moderator of the Assembly Committee on Ecclesiology, Catherine Kotfila, who talked to us about the process that they went through that they had gone through. She then made a motion to accept the PUP report, items 1 – 4, as amended. By electronic vote the motion passed. It was moved that Item 06-01 Recommendations 5 as amended and 6 - 7 with comment be passed as the committee presented it. There was also a minority report which was introduced to us. The committee then spoke on the need to adopt this item as it was amended and commented on. The minority report was then presented and the maker spoke as to why we need to make the minority report the main report. We then moved to perfecting the main motion. A motion was made to strike the word authoritative from Recommendation #5. A comment from the floor from a member of the ACC said that striking the word authoritative would have no impact. We then moved to vote on the amendment and it failed. We are now back to the main motion. A question was asked of the as to what the implications would be if Recommendation # 5 were to be removed from the report. The task force stated that it would be ill-advised as they feel that the recommendation clarifies what is in the Book of Order. They reiterated that the standards would not change. The task force is supportive of the amendment to Recommendation 5.d that the committee made. Another amendment has been offered in regards to 5.d. This would insert after the first appearance of the word “examination” the words “and ordination decision”; change the word “complies” to “comply.” Rev. Monie spoke to this amendment stating that he did not feel that this amendment would not substantially change what was originally there. There was a clarification to have it read “and ordination and installation decision.” 5.d would then read:
d. Whether the examination and ordination and installation decision comply with the constitution of the PCUSA, and whether the ordaining/installing body has conducted its examination reasonably, responsibly, prayerfully, and deliberately in deciding to ordain a candidate for church office is subject to review by higher governing bodies.
We then moved to vote on this amendment to the main motion and it passed. The main motion was declared perfected. We then moved to perfect the minority report, which was perfected without change. We now go to debate as to whether the minority report should become the main motion and there was a lot of movement on the floor as commissioners and advisory delegates moved to the microphones. As I could not accurately capture any of the comments for or against I will not have any of the debate comments here, I’ll leave that up to the press covering the GA. I will say that both sides were passionate about theirs beliefs and presented themselves well. Thank you to all who spoke. There was a call to the question to end debate and it passed. We then moved to voting on whether the minority report should become the main motion and that vote failed. We then began debate on the main motion. A motion was made and passed by hand vote to limit a speakers time to 2 minutes. A motion to amend was made:
The General Assembly Refer with comment Recommendations 5 & 6 to the Presbyteries for their consideration and response prior to final action on these recommendations, utilizing the resources and processes suggested in Recommendations 1-4 in the Report of the Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity… and direct the Office of the General Assembly to develop an instrument by which the Presbyteries may advise the General Assembly whether or not the 218th General Assembly should adopt the proposed authoritative interpretation, and to approve Recommendation 7.
We then moved into a time of debate for which again there was much debate as there was on the minority report. After much debate there was a call for the question that was seconded and voted on. The vote narrowly was defeated. We then went back to the main motion as amended which had been perfected and debate on that motion. The question was called and seconded. We then voted on whether or not to end debate and the vote passed. We then moved on to voting on the main motion as amended and the vote narrowly passed. There was a question from the floor on how to register their discontent and the Stated Clerk gave instructions on how to do that. We then moved to disapprove Item 06-05 Item 2 and it was passed by hand vote. We then moved and received 06-07 by consensus. Item 06-11 was moved and received by consensus. It was moved that all remaining items be dismissed by the action already taken on 06-01 and it passed by consensus. This concluded their report.
Moderator Gray then led us in a hymn and then we took a five minute break.
Committee Moderator Rev. Karen Akin presented the Report of the Assembly Committee on Church Orders (04). On Item 04-11 they recommend that the item be disapproved and it passed by hand vote. They moved that Item 04-12 be disapproved and it passed. The next Item, 04-13 was moved to be disapproved by the committee. A motion was made to reconsider Item 04-11 and it was seconded. It was then requested that the committee moderator explain why they made the recommendations that they did. Before that was answered we voted on whether to reconsider 04-11 and the vote passed. The committee moderator then reiterated that they recommended to disapprove 04-11 and that a vote of yes would disapprove Item 04-11. The was some debate prior to the vote. After the vote to end debate passed we voted on the item to disapprove 04-11. The GA voted in agreement disapprove 04-11. We then voted on whether or not to reconsider 04-12 and it was a tie which means it failed. Karen then moved that 04-13 be disapproved and it passed. Item 04-01 was next and they moved that the item be disapproved. There was a motion from the floor to refer 04-01 & All Concurrences to the 218th General Assembly (2008). The previous question was called to end debate. It was voted on and debate ended. The motion to refer was voted on was defeated. We are back to the motion from the committee to disapprove 04-01. After debate the previous question was called and passed by vote. The recommendation was restated and brought to a vote.
Due to it being 5:30 PM we recessed and headed for dinner. The rest of the Report of the Assembly Committee on Church Orders (04) and Report of the Assembly Committee on Mission Coordination (08) we table until tomorrow.
After dinner I headed for the Joint Worship led by PC (USA) in the Concert Hall. It was another wonderful service. Janet Ort and eth Middleton performed a duet of Pie Jesu with dancing by the liturgical dancers On Angels Wings. It was beautiful and moved many to tears. The sermon by Jean Marie Peacock, Vice-Moderator of the 216th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) challenged us to wade in the water and was made even more inspiring with stories of a mission trip to Columbia and the trials of her congregation after hurricane Katrina.
With little sleep lately due to all that has been going on I decided to head back to the room to finish this post and get some rest. The program after I left included Ecumenical Greetings, World Prayer, Presbyterian Church of Colombia 150th, Presbyterian Church of Cuba, Self-Development of People, and Mission Initiative.
Good night and God Bless!
Because of Him,